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My Resume


Concert Finder •

Concert app that displays upcoming events based on the artists a user follows. Fetched a user's folllowing artists using Spotify API. Visualized concert locations using Google Maps API. Simulated artist and concert data with MySQL using Prisma and PlanetScale.

  • Next.js, NextAuth, Spotify API, Google Maps API, Planetscale, Prisma
HotSpots •

Skate park gallery that allows users to favorite parks, view local footage for each park, and display locations of favorite parks. Utilized Google Maps API to display map markers for a user’s favorite parks. Made use of JQuery and ModalVideo to show typical experiences at each park. Employed a theme switcher for accessibility.

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, ModalVideo plugin, Google Maps API.
Life Path Calculator •

Numerology-focused app where users can create profiles that calculate thier life path number based on their date of birth. Built MongoDB REST API to store user profiles. Incorporated Auth0 to allow authenticated users to modify profiles tied to thier account.

  • MERN stack, Auth0, Bootstrap.
City Explorer •

City search that displays a map representation, 7-day forecast, and films that contain its name in the title. Leveraged LocationIQ and Weatherbit APIs to display map location and 7-day forecast. Utilized TMDB API to fetch relevant movie data.

  • MERN stack, Bootstrap, LocationIQ API, Weatherbit API, TMDB API.


Code Crew • Leader

June 2021 - February 2022

University of Memphis • Computer Engineering (Honors)

August 2017 - April 2019


Languages • HTML, JavaScript (MTA Certified), TypeScript, Python, Java, CSS, SASS.Frameworks • React, Next.js, Django.


Management • Git, Github, Trello, Notion.Communication • Slack, Zoom.Editor • VSCode, Neovim.
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